Systems Integration Experience Community.
The Italian Association of Professional Audio Video sector’s professionals
SIEC – Systems Integrated Experience Community – brings together producers and operators of audio video and control systems integration technologies, that find application in the retail, museums, production and home sectors. SIEC has, among its institutional objectives, the promotion of the culture related to the use of these systems, which can bring important benefits on a commercial, industrial and residential level.
The protagonists are therefore the associates themselves who, in addition to using the services offered, contribute to the development of ideas and proposals to better face the difficulties linked to a context that requires a high technological culture, characterized by strong competitiveness and in continuous evolution.
SIEC’s goal is to promote the importance of the correct application of technologies in the systems integration market and, in more general terms, the association aims to encourage greater and better dialogue between industry members.
In practical terms, this means taking actions in relations between companies by creating synergies and improving the approach with the installers market, in order to create valuable paths and processes such as:
- Create meeting opportunities by creating a network of profitable contacts between companies and sector’s professionals
- Create training courses that aim at integrators’ professional growth. A recognizable value, also abroad
- Promote sector’s companies and professionals certification
- Reduce the regulatory gap among Italy and other countries
- Establish relationships with Italian and international associations
- Carry out market surveys and sector studies
- Studying and spreading to the sector the main national and community regulations of interest
- Working on specific meeting opportunities which can create culture in sectors such as digital signage, security, education etc.
- Guarantee and protect the sector

SIEC offers to 10 architecture and design professionals, the participation in an exclusive experience at the Smart Building Conference and ISE fair in Amsterdam, the two unmissable European events for the designers and integrators’s communities. A project that favors the integration between the world of architecture and specialists in the AV and control’s sector.

Learning – Networking – Business Development